Saturday 3 January 2015

AN EVENT FOR RECYCLING : that's a composition where I invent an event about recycling

Next 17 th February an event for recycling will take place in Olot. It's a competition. People of all ages can participate in that game, but they will be classified in three different categories: 1-less than twelve years 2- from twelve to twenty years 3- more than twenty years. The first one will be in the morning: the participants will have to sit on a chair, a volunteer will show them a card with a picture ofe some rubbish, and they will have to say in which of the recycling bins has the rubbish go. If they are right, they will get three points and they will play again. In case they fail, they lose the points and they can't play again, then another player can play the card and win two points. The second challenge will be in pairs. Each pair will have to talk to the other groups to convince them why recycling is important, why do they do it. the most satisfying opinion will get as much points as pairs participating and the reasons that will get the worst position will get one point. The pair in the second position will get one point less than the first and like this until the last pair. At the last test luck will be a very important element because the participants will have to play a game similar to Parcheesi, but more dinamic (with some proofs) where all the participants will play against each other. The winner will get two points multiplied by the advantage against the second position's player.

The cathegory's winner from the whole competiton will get a big prize, given by some of the Olot's business. And the participants that won't win also get a little prize.

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