Monday 5 January 2015


Christmas' days are days of joy, happiness, holidays, celebrations, meetings, family... but we all have different cultures, and we celebrate Chirstmas by different ways. Now, I'm going to explain us how do we celebrate those days in Catalunya's culture, how do my family and I celebrate Christmas.


the most important days are those ones:

24th DECEMBER: TIÓ'S NIGHT. We meet all the family and "caguem el tió". A tió is a magic trunk: we all hit it with a stik, then we go out at the garden and we sing some Cristmas songs. When we go back inside again, there are a lot of presents for us under the trunk. We hit it again and then we can open all the presents. 

Tió has also a song, we sing that song while we hit el tió. You can listen it if you clik here!

25th  DECEMBER: Christmas day. We meet our family and have a really great lunch. I usually eat cold cuts, salade, cannelloni, chicken, and for desserts candies and nougats. 

26th DECEMBER: Sant Esteve. We meet the other part of our family and we have another dinner. I usually go to Barcelona because my grandmother lives there. We stay there all the afternoon, we sing Christmas songs and we play with our cousins. We sleep in Barcelona and we come back home on 27th December.
31th DECEMBER: The last day of the year!! We generally meet with our friends and we organise a party and we have dinner toghether. When the last  minutes before 12 AM arrive we turn on the TV and we prepare 12 grapes for each person, the little kids that don't like grapes eat "Lacasitos!". 12 seconds before the next year arrive, a bells chiming starts and we eat our grapes while it sounds. When the new year starts, the party goes on and we go to sleep late. 

5 th JANUARY: The wise men arrive and when all the boys and girls start to sleep, they give them a lot of presents and when they get up, they found the presents in the living room. 

6 th JANUARY: We open all the presents. Everybody is happy , but at the same time sad because the Christmas has finished and we must come back to school and  our jobs. 

Me and my cousins have choosed some of our favourite Christmas songs. Have a look to them!!!

LA CANÇÓ DEL TRINEU (jingle bells)
SANTA NIT (silent night)

Saturday 3 January 2015

AN EVENT FOR RECYCLING : that's a composition where I invent an event about recycling

Next 17 th February an event for recycling will take place in Olot. It's a competition. People of all ages can participate in that game, but they will be classified in three different categories: 1-less than twelve years 2- from twelve to twenty years 3- more than twenty years. The first one will be in the morning: the participants will have to sit on a chair, a volunteer will show them a card with a picture ofe some rubbish, and they will have to say in which of the recycling bins has the rubbish go. If they are right, they will get three points and they will play again. In case they fail, they lose the points and they can't play again, then another player can play the card and win two points. The second challenge will be in pairs. Each pair will have to talk to the other groups to convince them why recycling is important, why do they do it. the most satisfying opinion will get as much points as pairs participating and the reasons that will get the worst position will get one point. The pair in the second position will get one point less than the first and like this until the last pair. At the last test luck will be a very important element because the participants will have to play a game similar to Parcheesi, but more dinamic (with some proofs) where all the participants will play against each other. The winner will get two points multiplied by the advantage against the second position's player.

The cathegory's winner from the whole competiton will get a big prize, given by some of the Olot's business. And the participants that won't win also get a little prize.

Monday 24 November 2014


We did a trip to Barcelona and we interviewed some tourists: 
-we intereviewed a family from England, have a look to it!


  • Sarah and Ben are from England. 
  • They decided to spend their holidays in Barcelona because it's a warm city, and the weather is great. 
  • They arrived on Sunday and they stay in Barcelona for 5 days.
  •  This family loves Barcelona because it has an amazing arquitecture, the weather is warm and the people is so nice. 
  • They had visited la Sagrada Família, el Barri Gòtic, la Casa Milà, la Pedrera and el Camp Nou. Casa Milà and Casa Batlló are the buildings that liked them more. 
  • The biggest difference between Barcelona and London is the weather, in their city they spend a lot of time inside their houses or in indoor places and here they can spend their time outside. 
  • Ben's father would like living in Barcelona because he thinks it's a nice city. They had travelled a lot. Paris and Mallorca are the cpuntries that Sara enjoyed more.

Thursday 6 November 2014


My name is Martina, I'm from Les Preses, a small village in Catalunya. I study in a high school named Bosc de la Coma. I'm cursing 3rd of ESO so I'm 14.

I love playing basketball. I practise this esport in "Club bàsquet Vall d'en Bas" and I have a great, a really great team! We have got a pet: it's a lion and we call it Conxita :) I wear the number 17 !

I've got a lot of hobbies: reading, sewing, cycling, listening to music, ...

I hope you to enjoy my blog, I'll upload here my english class tasks !!