Monday 24 November 2014


We did a trip to Barcelona and we interviewed some tourists: 
-we intereviewed a family from England, have a look to it!


  • Sarah and Ben are from England. 
  • They decided to spend their holidays in Barcelona because it's a warm city, and the weather is great. 
  • They arrived on Sunday and they stay in Barcelona for 5 days.
  •  This family loves Barcelona because it has an amazing arquitecture, the weather is warm and the people is so nice. 
  • They had visited la Sagrada Família, el Barri Gòtic, la Casa Milà, la Pedrera and el Camp Nou. Casa Milà and Casa Batlló are the buildings that liked them more. 
  • The biggest difference between Barcelona and London is the weather, in their city they spend a lot of time inside their houses or in indoor places and here they can spend their time outside. 
  • Ben's father would like living in Barcelona because he thinks it's a nice city. They had travelled a lot. Paris and Mallorca are the cpuntries that Sara enjoyed more.

Thursday 6 November 2014


My name is Martina, I'm from Les Preses, a small village in Catalunya. I study in a high school named Bosc de la Coma. I'm cursing 3rd of ESO so I'm 14.

I love playing basketball. I practise this esport in "Club bàsquet Vall d'en Bas" and I have a great, a really great team! We have got a pet: it's a lion and we call it Conxita :) I wear the number 17 !

I've got a lot of hobbies: reading, sewing, cycling, listening to music, ...

I hope you to enjoy my blog, I'll upload here my english class tasks !!